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In The News

Language: English

Small Tree Debuts GraniteSTOR Titanium Powered by Open-E

A video-editing shared storage appliance up to 48TB and 14GbE ports Small Tree Communications, LLC. has introduced GraniteSTOR Titanium to its line of Ethernet-based shared storage systems. The video-editing shared storage appliance is designed to offer flexibility in order to support diverse requirements, making sure video editors with limited resources can focus on editing video, not on managing their workflow infrastructure. It is for professional video editors requiring simultaneous access to media files. Configurable with up to 14GbE ports or eight 10GbE ports and storage capacity from 16TB to 48TB, Titanium is built on a customized open source operating system. Storage can be made available to users within minutes of initial start up, and the Web-based GUI makes management of the system. Additionally, by using a Web-based browser, Titanium can be managed from anywhere with an Internet connection.

In The News

Language: English

EUROstor RAIDs Certified by Open-E

EUROstor GmbH ES-8700 iSCSI/NAS RAIDs and storage clusters combine hardware quality with the performance and flexibility of Open-E DSS V6 software. Thus it is possible to provide storage capacity for many servers via NAS, iSCSI and optionally via Fibre Channel. So far EUROstor ensured the interaction of hardware and software and now, in turn, there is also a guarantee of the software producer: the EUROstor ES-8700 system was checked and certified by Open-E through elaborate test procedures. Advantage for the customers: both parties assume responsibility for the functioning of the system and the customer can rely on support by both partners.

In The News

Language: English

LA-Based Simpaticorp Becoming Partner of Open-E

To resell storage software with VMs Open-E, Inc. creates a strategic alliance with hosting provider Simpaticorp LLC, which is now an Open-E Authorized Partner. Open-E's Data Storage Software V6 is offered to Simpaticorp's customers on Windows and Linux Virtual Servers with VMware as a virtualization platform. With vSphere 4.1. console control, customers are able to control their machines.

In The News

Language: English

Open-E Establishes Certified Engineer Trainings

Open-E, Inc. is providing partners the ability to become an Open-E Certified Engineer (OECE). This training will offer engineers the opportunity to gain the necessary skills for implementing Open-E DSS V6 into their customer's storage environments. Engineers get trained by Open-E's technical experts, are able to gain hands-on skills and knowledge about Open-E DSS V6 and learn how to work with it. Finally, after passing a theoretical and practical exam, they become certified. An OECE can implement Open-E DSS V6 to an IT-environment and has knowledge and experience of the software.

In The News

Language: English

Open-E und Boston erweitern ihre Zusammenarbeit

Open-E GmbH und Boston Server & Storage Solutions GmbH, Hersteller und Distributor für Server- und Storagelösungen, erweitern ihre Zusammenarbeit mit der Igloo eStorage Familie, einer Serie universell einsetzbarer Hochleistungsnetzwerkspeicher mit maximaler Flexibilität. Die Systeme sind insbesondere für Unternehmen geeignet, die teuren und ineffizienten internen Speicherwildwuchs durch eine durchgängige, konsolidierte Netzwerkspeicher-Infrastruktur ersetzen wollen. Die eStorage Server stellen als Herzstück eines solchen Speichernetzwerks die notwendigen Kapazitäten, Datentransfergeschwindigkeiten und Highspeed-Schnittstellen bereit, um alle Speicheranforderungen im Unternehmen über eine zentrale Instanz abzudecken.

In The News

Language: English

Open-E DSS V6 With Enhanced Language Support

Until now Open-E's Data Storage Software was only available in English. Now Russian and German speaking users of Open-E DSS V6 can look forward to working with the storage software in their native language. The software has been updated with both language packs which are available with the latest release.

In The News

Language: English

End of Life for Upgrades to Open-E DSS V6

Open-E, Inc. terminates technical support for EoL-products and upgrades to the current version of its data storage software on May 31, 2011.   Users, who are currently working with Open-E DSS, NAS-R3 or iSCSI-R3, should hurry up because software developer Open-E provides technical support for these products and upgrades to the latest version 6 only until May 31, 2011. After that date a new product has to be purchased.

In The News

Language: English

Open-E und rombus besiegeln Partnerschaft

Die im ostwestfälischen Büren ansässige rombus-Gruppe, führender Anbieter von IT-Business- und Consumer-Produkten, erweitert ihre Server- und Storagesysteme mit der Storage- Software von Open-E GmbH. Auf ihren indivuellen Lösungskonzepten 'Made in Germany' bietet rombus ab sofort die Serverfamilien Tertia sowie Ultima Storage mit dem Betriebssystem Open-E DSS V6 (Data Storage Software V6) an und präsentiert damit eine Einstiegslinie in den Storageserverbereich.

In The News

Language: English

Open-E und Losstech verstärken Kooperation

Losstech stattet Storage-Lösungen mit dem Betriebssystem Open-E DSS V6 aus Der Storage-Software-Spezialist Open-E GmbH aus Puchheim bei München und der Lutzhorner IT-Systemintegrator Losstech GmbH geben zum Beginn des zweiten Quartals 2011 ihre verstärkte Zusammenarbeit bekannt, die bereits Anfang März auf der CeBIT 2011 begonnen hatte.

In The News

Language: English

Open-E NAS Failover

Open-E, Inc. brings to market Automatic NAS (NFS) Failover for its Data Storage Software (DSS) V6. High availability is crucial to many applications. Despite using high-quality hardware and superior connections, any node (network, server, storage equipment, etc.) is still potentially subject to failures which can result in the loss of all active connections, data transactions or even service. In this case an automatic failover is essential for smooth operation within a data center. It works by sensing the failure of the primary node. Redundant nodes can continue serving clients, effectively replacing the missing node(s). An automatic Failover does not require tech team deployment or administrator approval to ensure continued operation.