Fibre Channel (FC) Solutions Articles

Create a reliable, high-performing, and low-latency FC data storage solution with software brought to you by Open-E that simplifies configuration processes and maintenance tasks.

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Category: iSCSI Active-Active Failover

Product: Open-E DSS V7

Language: German

Active-Active HA Cluster ZSPOF Setup - Best Practices

Jun 11, 2013

Janusz Bak - Chief Technical Officer

  • Zero-Single-Point-of-Failure (ZSPOF) Setup mit MPIO und Bonding
  • Zero-Single-Point-of-Failure Setup ausschließlich mit MPIO (mit Step-by-Step-Demo)
  • Ping Nodes - Best Practices
  • Heartbeat Paths - Best Practices
  • Performance - Best Practices
    • SSD Cache
    • Kostengünstiges 10Gbit-basiertes Setup
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Webinar Video

Category: iSCSI Active-Active Failover

Product: Open-E DSS V7

Language: English

Active-Active HA Cluster ZSPOF Setup - Best Practices

May 28, 2013

Janusz Bak - Chief Technical Officer

  • Zero-Single-Point-of-Failure (ZSPOF) setup with MPIO and with bonding
  • Zero-Single-Point-of-Failure setup with MPIO only (with step-by-step demo)
  • Ping nodes - best practices
  • Heartbeat paths - best practices
  • Performance - best practices
    • SSD Cache
    • Low cost 10Gbit based setup
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Webinar Video

Category: iSCSI Active-Active Failover

Product: Open-E DSS V7

Language: English

Active-Active vs. Active-Passive Cluster performance advantage

Mar 5, 2013

Slawomir Nowakowski - 2nd level Technical Support Engineer

  • Setting up Active-Passive cluster with Open-E DSS V7
  • Setting up Active-Active cluster with Open-E DSS V7
  • Benchmark comparison with Iometer tool


Achieve High Performance in a High Availability Environment with Open-E DSS V7

Having a highly available storage is one thing, but what about its overall performance? Learn how you can achieve both, using Open-E DSS V7 with iSCSI Active-Active Feature Pack.

Article EOL

Booting from Highly Available iSCSI LUN with Open-E DSS V6 via Storage Area Network (SAN)

The solution of how to boot an operating system from a remote iSCSI disk. This configuration, along with the Automatic iSCSI Failover, allows you to enjoy high availability of resources and better data loss prevention.

How to boot an operating system from a remote iSCSI disk?


Language: English

How to boot an operating system from a remote iSCSI disk?

Want to reduce energy costs and the risk of possible data loss? A dynamic increase of data volumes leads to greater the hardware requirements and greater power consumption – forces …


Solutions for data storage management and centralization

Data storage centralization, centralized management, and consolidation are challenges that all companies face in order to store and share data. Data storage centralization provides safety and gives users the ability to stream and download files provided by network users. The concept of centralized data management opens a variety of possibilities, which are essential for any company in today's competitive and demanding market. What does this mean for the storage industry and for the evolution of storage software? Primarily, an expanded range of possibilities is changing the standard from an ordinary file server to a complex and multifunctional device.

Article EOL

Open-E DSS V6 as a Perfect Solution for Storage Virtualization

Any interruption in access to key information can result in outrageous costs, proving the importance of high availability of company resources. Storage virtualization provides increased performance and security of information exchange and storage.

Article EOL

Solution for Cloud Hosting Companies

The reason a customer, searching for suitable cloud service, choose one hosting company over another mostly depends on the specific functionality and level of security they offer for a specific (read: low) price. However, finding a proven performance solution for cloud that meets all client’s expectations is not an easy task.

Article EOL

Creation of Disaster Recovery Using Open-E DSS V6

Application server data is vital for every company and a loss of its availability due to a major failure or catastrophe would be devastating. Many companies use traditional tape backup to protect themselves from such disasters. More reasonable approach involves solutions that will automatically save backup data on a remote server.