Data Storage for Virtualization Articles

Simplify, enhance, and reduce operational costs of your storage environment with data storage software that works well with the VMware, Citrix, and Microsoft virtualization platforms.


NAS Filer

NAS (Network Attached Storage) is a storage technology that can simplify your work and improve the collaborative process in your company. Primarily, NAS is dedicated for file sharing – delivering necessary capabilities for storing and sharing data. Solutions based on NAS have been mostly used by small and medium enterprises (SME) needing reliable storage without protocol or connectivity restrictions.

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Asynchronous Volume Replication of VMware Virtual Machines with DSS V6 and Acronis Backup & Recovery software

This article shows practical solution that can be used as a replacement for Asynchronous Volume Replication in customers environment. The solution describes how effectively prevent a decrease in performance when saving files to storage in organizations which has several regional branches located worldwide.

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Open-E DSS V6 as a Perfect Solution for Storage Virtualization

Any interruption in access to key information can result in outrageous costs, proving the importance of high availability of company resources. Storage virtualization provides increased performance and security of information exchange and storage.

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Solution for Cloud Hosting Companies

The reason a customer, searching for suitable cloud service, choose one hosting company over another mostly depends on the specific functionality and level of security they offer for a specific (read: low) price. However, finding a proven performance solution for cloud that meets all client’s expectations is not an easy task.

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NAS (NFS) Failover

High availability is crucial to many applications. Despite using high-quality hardware and superior connection, any node (network, server, storage equipment, etc) is still subject to crashes due to power shortages, communication and equipment faults, fire incidents, maintenance problems or a human factor. These crashes result in a loss of all active connections and data transactions, as well as service termination. The main goal of Failover is to protect company server against such cases.