Testimonials & Reference Customers

At Open-E, we are proud of our products and services, and we are always happy to receive feedback from our customers and partners. We value their opinions and suggestions, and we use them to improve our solutions and meet their needs.

Check What Our Customers & Partners Said

Here you can read some of the testimonials and success stories from our satisfied customers and partners, who have chosen Open-E products for their data storage challenges and goals.

Stephen A. Jarjoura
IT/LAN Admin in Tizor Systems, Inc.
"...What we are really looking for is a way to add a Tape Autoloader to our current NAS solution. I realize that this may be challenging, since we are running an older version, namely the Open-E Enterprise NAS software, but we have not had any reason to even think of upgrading until now. Our NAS has been rock solid, and the very few times we had any issues understanding our configuration options we were taken care of by the excellent support..."
Randy Sprague
None in Westmont College
Our campus wide environment is very demanding and one of our main interests was to implement an Enterprise NAS solution for our departments for file sharing. This required file sharing for Windows and Linux servers with out license cost that are typical with Windows products. Data Replication is a must for our servers so some type automated synchronization for the data was top priority. The NAS XSR Enterprise provided more then what we needed to fulfill our requirements with a price point to allow us to purchase several for additional backup procedures. Support was another factor that played in this decision as we have many systems and little time; this was not an issue when contacting the support team to provide us quick answers to our questions. Thanks Open-E!
Michael P. McConnell
None in NPL Construction Company
Our requirements where solved with the Open-E NAS XSR Enterprise for our many offices located in 22 states in USA. The remote offices need continuous updates to our main office to provide them the documents for major construction projects that change consistently. This is where the NAS XSR Enterprise provides FTP services for employees and integrates with our ADS server to allow users the ability to access these files without adding another Windows server, saving us money to grow in other areas. The NAS XSR Enterprise connected to our ADS server porting all users and groups without an issue. This allowed us to expand our data and provide the authentication methods necessary to integrate with our existing servers. The time it saved us was impressive, we just plugged the NAS XSR Enterprise in one of our decommissioned servers and we where working within 15 minutes. This pre-installed software saved us from installing another OS that would involve time installing on drives then mirroring the drives for redundancy. This is the way of the future!
Shon Nixon
None in Midrex Technologies, Inc.
Midrex is a Steel, Coal and Mining Industry company so capacity and replication is our main concerns. I have experienced many different systems in the market to provide iSCSI Targets to our systems and by the reviews and contacting Open-E to inquire about DSS we made the decision to go with DSS. We grow a 1TB minimally every 3 months using SAS controllers for our capacity needs so this requirement to expand is a must. The DSS allows this with its Physical Volume expansion feature allowing us to add to our Volume Groups with ease. Now came the real test to provide Volume Replication, this was just as simple as the expansion using the two DSS servers. We tested the failover to our DSS destination server and without a problem the data was intact. Many tests where compiled over the months in search for a product to perform these simple tasks and the Open-E DSS handle very well.
Patrick Reynolds
None in Emedis Systems For Healthcare
Healthcare environments are critical, as well as ever changing so our requirements needed multiple-snapshots to allow us specific times to define exactly the schedules as needed and added data recovery point with backup frequencies. After testing with the Demo-CD of the DSS (Data Storage Server) this was clearly a product we embraced to perform this task effortlessly. The navigation of the GUI interface is simple enough that training was not necessary. We tested adding additional capacity to our Logical Volumes, this will always be changing for our environment, then added additional space to our Snapshots and without any issues this was effortlessly done allowing us to get back to daily operations. We feel very confident that DSS will handle our SQL database needs with its combined iSCSI features all on one system. Satisfied is not enough to say about DSS features and options we feel confident and secured for Emedis with DSS.
Martin Ellmann
None in Ellmann Elektronik GmbH
"Selten haben wir in den 22 Jahren unserer Unternehmung, mit einem für uns neuen Produkt so schnell gute Resultate erzielt. Sowohl die "Instalation", die Konfiguration als auch der tägliche Umgang mit den Open-E Produkten erweisen sich als herrlich unkompliziert und vor allen Dingen performant. Diejenigen unserer Kunden, die Produkte aus Ihrem Hause einsetzen sind einhellig dieser Meinung. Daher werden wir bei Storage-Systemen auch zukünfitig immer wieder gerne auf Sie, Open-E Produkte, zurückkommen."
Tom Aerts
ICT Manger in Consult Consultancy
"... Again thank you for the support and I would also like to congratulate Open-E for the magnificent products."
George Milness II
Media Specialist in G2 Media Group
.... We then did some research on the web and found the Open-E based server for about half of Apple's solution. The thougt of using a non-OS X product was intimidating, but after some tech support calls to Condre Storage, the server company, and Open-E we had our answer. With the adition of a few Jumbo Frame capable Gig-E network cards and system settings we were up and running. Three workstations have been successfully accessing multiple streams of video without a hitch! And our network structure is still Gig-E based!
Neo Lin
None in EW Tech
Ok, my client (purchase open-e nas-xsr entprise) say Open-E is good! Thanks!
Jorg Kiveris
Pressesprecher in 11880 Internet Services (formerly klickTel AG)
"Im Zuge der Implementierung der "EagleView-Bilder" auf www.klicktel.de haben wir uns für die NAS-XSR mit 12.500 GB Festplatten entschieden. Die Storage-Box ist einfach einzurichen und in Betrieb zu nehmen und hat sich in den Monaten vor der Online-Stellung im 24/7-Rhytmus als hochleistungsfähiger, hochverfügbarer und stabiler Zwischenspeicher für die enormen Datenmengen bewährt. Positiv hervorzuheben ist nicht zuletzt der proaktive und serviceorientierte Support von Open-E."