Testimonials & Reference Customers

At Open-E, we are proud of our products and services, and we are always happy to receive feedback from our customers and partners. We value their opinions and suggestions, and we use them to improve our solutions and meet their needs.

Check What Our Customers & Partners Said

Here you can read some of the testimonials and success stories from our satisfied customers and partners, who have chosen Open-E products for their data storage challenges and goals.

Manuel Kuss
System Administrator in OPTIMA
Apart from its flexibility, it was the stability of the Open-E systems that convinced me. We benefit from the hardware redundancy in lieu of not having any technical contact onsite in remote locations. The system keeps running even if hardware components fail, and can easily be rebooted even after power outages. By using commodity servers, we do not face any problems regarding hardware supplies and do not need to use any specific SAN disk drives.
Mark Jones
Network Administrator in Alamy
The active-active iSCSI replication in Open-E DSS V7 provides load-balancing of storage, redundancy against hardware failure, and the ability to install hardware and OS updates without VM downtime which were the strongest arguments for our decision. Additionally, our Exchange performance issues have completely disappeared. Migrating from ESX to Hyper-V means that both failover clustering and live migration are supported without a large investment in licenses, providing load balancing, redundancy against hardware failure, and the ability to install hardware and OS updates without VM downtime. With MPIO on Open-E DSS V7 and NIC bonding with MPIO on Hyper-V, even the failure of a NIC causes no downtime. An actual hardware failure demonstrated that the project goal of resilience had been achieved.
Jens Nentwich
IT Manager in Eduard Gerlach GmbH
Storage centralization is a sensitive topic for every company. In our case, compatibility with our existing SAP database was a must – apart from easy scalability, high availability and best performance. With the new storage solution based on Open-E DSS V7 we were able to meet all requirements, benefit from additional security with 24/7 support and didn’t have to wear out our budget. All in all, we are completely happy with our new solution.
Wesley Bramlett
System Engineer, Data Center Manager in OrcaTec
Open-E DSS V6 has been a tremendous benefit to our company with regards to speed, ease of use and disaster recovery. The speed that we have out of our systems are meeting or beating the offerings from the major vendors at almost half of their premium price tags. The product support is fantastic and we have not had any situations that cannot be resolved by their team. We are making the move into virtual environments and the DSS product has handled it with flying colors with speeds being well above our expectations. Thank you so much for a product that gives us the flexibility we want and the enterprise grade reliability and speed that we need.
Shaun Bullock
Network Administrator / IT Engineer in Orbital Media Networks (formerly Clear Channel Satellite Services)
The support that the team at Open-E provides is far superior to that of just about any other company in the IT industry. Regardless if they are supporting their product or another vendor’s issue, these guys know what they are doing and are always great to work with. There are a lot of major IT players in the industry that could learn a thing or two from the Open-E approach to quality customer service.
Mike Bramel
Sr. Network Engineer / Security Analyst, Chelsea & Scott, LTD. in Onestepahead.com and Leapsandbounds.com
Open-E DSS V6 is wonderful! It is very easy to install and since it is able to be installed on a USB stick, I was able to allocate the disks I would have used for OS to actual storage space! The interface is intuitive and can easily be setup by a novice user. I have pushed the software, and can honestly say that it can support several iSCSI connections simultaneously without crashing. I am using and would definitely recommend Open-E DSS V6 as a production capable iSCSI target OS.
Enkel Zoraqi
CTO in Communication Progress
Our customers have been running Open-E software for several years and we never had to take care of any failures or complaints. The simplicity of the system implementation, which is rich on features, is excellent. In our company, servers are running on Open-E DSS V7 as well as our main storage and backup platform, and we have always been satisfied. We’re never worried about data safety. As a partner, Open-E is very flexible and dedicated. You can safely run your project with their support – from inception to maintenance.
Per Eklund
Head of IT in ReadSoft
We have been very satisfied with Open-E DSS V7 for many years but after our company and our requirements for R&D were growing faster and faster, we were looking for ways to increase our performance with proven products and relationships. Finally, Open-E released their new software JovianDSS with ZFS on Linux, and the same Kernel as in Open-E DSS V7. With this, we were able to achieve non-performance degradation compression that allows us to store 60 to 80% more on each SAN. Since 90% of requests are running from the cache we achieved four times faster performance than with the old storage systems.
Sönke Karstens
IT-Administrator in Forschungsbereich der Bundeswehr für Wasserschall und Geophysik (FWG)
Der Forschungsbereich der Bundeswehr für Wasserschall und Geophysik (FWG) nutzt seid mehr als 10 Jahren im Storage Bereich erfolgreich zu 90% Open-E Systeme. Als zivile Forschungseinrichtung im Rüstungsbereich der Bundeswehr haben wir mit Open-E einen Storage-Partner gefunden, der unsere speziellen Bedürfnisse z.B. bei Seeversuchen im Einsatz mit unserem Forschungsschiff 'WFS Planet' kosteneffizient und zuverlässig abbilden kann. In diesen Einsätzen haben wir insbesondere die Flexibilität und Stabilität der Open-E NAS Server schätzen gelernt.
Steffen Höhne
System Engineer in JMC Software
"Open-E DSS V7 ist ein großartiges Produkt, meiner Meinung nach eine der besten SAN-Lösungen auf dem Markt. Ich bin besonders von der Stabilität der Software überzeugt - das Active-Active Failover Feature hat uns schon einige Male gerettet. Bei einer Änderung der RAID-Konfiguration (welche laut Hersteller online durchgeführt werden kann) ist unser primärer SAN-Server abgestürzt. Unser Hyper-V Cluster hat davon nichts zu spüren bekommen, da das Failover perfekt funktioniert hat. Wir haben durch dieses Feature außerdem einen erheblichen Performance-Vorteil und bei Wartungsarbeiten weniger Down-Time. Auch die Programmoberfläche ist sehr intuitiv und gut durchdacht. Zudem sind die angebotenen Webinare eine große Hilfe - gute Webinare in deutscher Sprache sind selten."