Open-E Press Office

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In The News

Language: English

Open-E und Boston erweitern ihre Zusammenarbeit

Open-E GmbH und Boston Server & Storage Solutions GmbH, Hersteller und Distributor für Server- und Storagelösungen, erweitern ihre Zusammenarbeit mit der Igloo eStorage Familie, einer Serie universell einsetzbarer Hochleistungsnetzwerkspeicher mit maximaler Flexibilität. Die Systeme sind insbesondere für Unternehmen geeignet, die teuren und ineffizienten internen Speicherwildwuchs durch eine durchgängige, konsolidierte Netzwerkspeicher-Infrastruktur ersetzen wollen. Die eStorage Server stellen als Herzstück eines solchen Speichernetzwerks die notwendigen Kapazitäten, Datentransfergeschwindigkeiten und Highspeed-Schnittstellen bereit, um alle Speicheranforderungen im Unternehmen über eine zentrale Instanz abzudecken.


Language: English

Storage Software Community? Build it with us!

Storage Software Community?Build it with us! You are the Open-E Community, we are the Storage Software Community. New possibilities? Yes, but only with Your help. We want to develop our product - and therefore we need Your participation and interaction. Only Your feedback will give us ...

In The News

Language: English

Open-E DSS V6 With Enhanced Language Support

Until now Open-E's Data Storage Software was only available in English. Now Russian and German speaking users of Open-E DSS V6 can look forward to working with the storage software in their native language. The software has been updated with both language packs which are available with the latest release.


Language: English

June 14, 2011 at 2PM Eastern US Time How to import your Windows data from the Open-E DSS V6 (English)

We will be running another of our informative webinars to show you how Open-E DSS V6 can import and store Microsoft Windows data.  We will show you how to set up a NAS logical volume, create a NAS share from this volume, and then successfully migrate your ...

Press Releases

Language: English

Open-E DSS V6 with enhanced Language Support

With the current release of its Data Storage Software, Open-E provides customers with German and Russian Language Support. Until now Open-E's Data Storage Software was only available in English. Now Russian and German speaking users of Open-E DSS V6 can look forward to working with their ...


Language: English

June 07, 2011 at 16:00 (German Time) Open-E DSS V6: Data replication (English)

Madam, As part of our ongoing webinars, we are pleased to announce another in this series: June 07, 2011 at 16:00 (German Time) Open-E DSS V6: Data replication (English) Moderator: Janusz Bak - CTO You will learn more about:  How to configure snapshots for data replication ...

In The News

Language: English

End of Life for Upgrades to Open-E DSS V6

Open-E, Inc. terminates technical support for EoL-products and upgrades to the current version of its data storage software on May 31, 2011.   Users, who are currently working with Open-E DSS, NAS-R3 or iSCSI-R3, should hurry up because software developer Open-E provides technical support for these products and upgrades to the latest version 6 only until May 31, 2011. After that date a new product has to be purchased.

In The News

Language: English

Open-E und rombus besiegeln Partnerschaft

Die im ostwestfälischen Büren ansässige rombus-Gruppe, führender Anbieter von IT-Business- und Consumer-Produkten, erweitert ihre Server- und Storagesysteme mit der Storage- Software von Open-E GmbH. Auf ihren indivuellen Lösungskonzepten 'Made in Germany' bietet rombus ab sofort die Serverfamilien Tertia sowie Ultima Storage mit dem Betriebssystem Open-E DSS V6 (Data Storage Software V6) an und präsentiert damit eine Einstiegslinie in den Storageserverbereich.


Language: English

May 31, 2011 at 2PM Eastern US Time API feature explained and how to use it with the Open-E DSS V6 (English)

We will be running another of our informative webinars to show you how Open-E DSS V6 API function can do for you. API, or Application Programming Interface, is a feature that allows a wide range of common computing functions to be written. This provides users with the ...

Press Releases

Language: English

End of Life for Upgrades to Open-E DSS V6 on May 31, 2011

Open-E terminates technical support for EoL-products and upgrades to the current version of its data storage software on May 31, 2011. Users, who are currently working with Open-E DSS, Open-E NAS-R3 or iSCSI-R3, should hurry up because software developer Open-E provides technical support for these products ...