Support Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have any questions about Open-E products? This page contains a list of frequently asked questions and answers about various topics related to Open-E software and services. You can browse the questions by category or use the search function to find the answer you need. The Open-E FAQ page is your one-stop source for all your Open-E-related questions.

Open‑E Support FAQ

Open-E Support will provide the best effort to address your case, which is considered a "BUG" and where our product is not functioning as stated in the manual. Open-E will address the specific issue and provide any means to resolve this by providing a small update or workaround until the next release. All BUG fixes will be addressed only for Open-E JovianDSS or Open-E DSS V7 and for the most current release or the next new release to be scheduled.

Open-E does not provide on-site Support. Open-E uses a secure, customer-initiated remote support tool for providing effective troubleshooting should it be required. The Open-E support team will guide you through this process to effectively address your issue remotely. This requires a scheduled time frame and is called Remote Support Service (RSS). The Remote Support Service is for all paid Open-E JovianDSS or Open-E DSS V7 support products but not for EOL or Free SOHO products. The Remote Support Service technician will guide you on the procedures to effectively allow our engineers to access your Open-E product to assist on the effective problem you are experiencing. If your organization will not allow access via our RSS connection to your system, then we are not liable for the support product that you have selected, and we are not in violation of our agreement.

When your support license is no longer valid, you should choose Reinstatements.

You are always entitled to upgrade from your current support product to any higher support. Support upgrades are available at a special price, and we strongly recommend reviewing all of our available support products before purchasing. Once you have selected a support option, you will not be able to downgrade it.

You can always use Per Incident 24/7 Support anytime after business hours, weekends and National Holidays with any of the Open-E Support products.

If you have Basic Support, you can always upgrade it to the next level of support at any time.

No, you cannot transfer your existing support to another Open-E JovianDSS or Open-E DSS V7 Serial Number.

No, you can purchase a support product at any time for Open-E JovianDSS or Open-E DSS V7.

No, this is due to the fact that we offer 24/7 Per Incident Support.

Yes, you can. They will be treated as Premium regular tickets and will not take away from your 5 incidents.

No. When there is no 1 year 24/7 Support assigned to your secondary server, we cannot help you due to liability reasons. Additionally, the support engineer will be providing extra work on a server that does not have a valid 1 year 24/7 Support.

Yes. If you have Basic, Standard or Premium Support products, you can still purchase the upgrade 1 year 24/7 Support and it will be valid for one year from the time your current support was activated.

As Open-E Data Storage Software is a closed environment, none of the Open-E products turned out to be vulnerable to attacks using Meltdown and Spectre. With Open-E products, users are incapable to run any kind of unauthorized processes. All processes created by our developers run in a separate layer where modifications are impossible. Read and download the full statement here »

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