Triple C, Computer Communication Consultants

Since its inception in 1994, Triple C has been providing turnkey information solutions for different vertical market segments in Lebanon and across the Middle East and North Africa.
Our objective is to target and exploit new technologies as they become available to provide our customers with the best solution to fit their needs. Triple C adds value with its highly experienced and dedicated technical team providing professional consultancy and integration services combined with professional support and technical assistance.
• Complete IT Solution
• IT Security Solution
• Professional Support Services
• IP Telephony
• Virtualization
• IT Outsourcing
• Storage & Disaster Recovery
• Secured Wireless LAN Solutions
• Network & Security Consultancy
• Structured Cabling

Covered products

Open-E DSS V7

Company services

authorized partner

Triple C, Computer Communication Consultants

Zouk Mikayel, Highway, St. Elie Center, 4th Floor.

00838 Jounieh


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