Tag Archive For: Snapshots

hacker sitting by the desk

Open-E Pro Tips: How to Avoid the Consequences of a Ransomware Attack?

According to multiple sources, in the first three quarters of 2023, more cyber intrusion attempts than in all of 2022. In the first quarter of 2023, ~51 million attacks were ...

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man counting money he saved with using Open-E JovianDSS

How to Get the Best Price for Data Storage Solution

If you are one of the people responsible for your company’s purchases and/or managing its budget, you will probably agree that additional savings are always welcome! What is not so ...

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data storage administrator using software-defined storage

Software-Defined Storage Usage in Business

Making work easier and more efficient is the ultimate goal for everyone. This includes data storage administrators who look for a good data storage solution that will be both cost-effective ...

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Business Continuity Tips with Open-E JovianDSS

Nowadays, lack of a backup of your data seems to be like a plot from a lousy comedy, as it may lead to scary consequences for your business continuity. However, ...

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ZFS Essentials Summary

This article series is a perfect guide for learning the basics of ZFS – Zettabyte File System, a fast, stable, secure, and future-proof 128-bit file system that can handle up ...

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How to Protect Your Data Storage from Hackers

In this article you will find a list of the tips on how to secure your server powered by Open-E JovianDSS from hackers. As you may have learned from one ...

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Copy-on-write and snapshots

ZFS Essentials – Copy-on-write & Snapshots

This article provides information about concepts that stand behind the copy-on-write mechanism as well as snapshots and clones used in the ZFS system. Copy-on-write On a predominant number of file ...

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Backup vs. Archiving

Backup vs. archiving: Know the difference

Backup and archiving are often being confused, while in fact they differ significantly. Data backup means copying the data in order to restore the critical data in case of an ...

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Why is Open-E JovianDSS a perfect storage solution for VMware?

There are plenty of storage solutions on the market, but not all of them are noteworthy, as the most common solutions usually consist of data storage only. Additional data protection ...

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Open-E JupiterDSS image

Major update of Open-E JovianDSS; features include Snapshots, Clones and Volume Shadow Copy Service

Today, Open-E released a major update for its software-defined storage system – Open-E JovianDSS. Update up02 b14241 includes Snapshots, Clones and Volume Shadow Copy Service – all important for simplifying ...

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