DSS V6 Powered Duplex Server

DSS V6 Powered Duplex-Server, a Better Dual Controller

THIS ARTICLE IS LEGACY PRODUCT-RELATED NO LONGER SUPPORTED BY OPEN-E Recently I was reading an old post about the end of the Dual Controller Architecture. www.informationweek.com/news/storage/ Today, almost 4 years ...

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Open-E DSS V6

New Case Studies on our Website

We have recently updated our website with three new Case Studies where our partners starline, ibc and TEMA present how and with which hardware they used Open-E to install high ...

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WHD2012.global highlights: 190 Virtual Machines running on 178 TB with HA Storage

Last week I was visiting the World Hosting Day Event in Germany as usual and I’ve wanted to provide you all with some highlights. Intel was presenting the innovative Romley ...

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SSD: Marketing Versus Reality

We can read many articles about the pros and cons of Solid State Drives. We may also hear opinions about them – from supporters and opponents of this technology… and ...

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Cloud storage

There is something about the Cloud

Cloud is “hot”, everyone is talking about it, everyone uses it, everyone keeps data in the “Cloud”. However, do we know what it really means? Let’s look at a cloud ...

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different ssd types on the purple JBOD background

SSDs Over HDDs – the Admins Dilemma

It’s quicker, it’s lighter, it does not generate any noise and has a lower work temperature…Furthermore, it doesn’t have any mechanical, moving components so it offers you not only a ...

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Data recycling

How to recycle data

What to do with old hard disks? What to do if your company is going to upgrade its equipment? How to get rid of any useless hardware? However we approach ...

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Switch off

Recommendations for boot media with DSS V6

Here we present two ways of thinking about the issue of boot media in cooperation with Open-E DSS V6. Take a look below – there are following options to consider: ...

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It is alive!

Modern technology – we all know its rules, laws (like Moore’s law), limitations, possibilities and direction of development (well, for the most part). Technology is still evolving… But what if ...

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RAID 5? RAID 6? Or Another AltErnativEE?

Updated 19/11/2021 Here we are again with the next part of our RAID series. This time we’ll be taking a look at RAID 5, RAID 6, and two alternatives – ...

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