Category Archive For: Security

Is your Heartbleeding?

The Heartbleed bug, officially referenced as CVE-2014-0160, is already being coined as one of the biggest security threats since the mass adoption of the Internet – affecting millions of websites ...

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Data recycling

How to recycle data

What to do with old hard disks? What to do if your company is going to upgrade its equipment? How to get rid of any useless hardware? However we approach ...

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When data had gone walkabout and the air was blue with oaths

Here are three invented stories, three good endings and three bad ones. It does not matter who you are and what you do – it can happen to you. Let’s ...

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Hacking attacks

How expensive can be someone’s curiosity or fun?

Recently when headlines all around the world have reported about another spectacular hacking attacks of LulzSec or Anonynmous group, we all started to wonder – is data security and personal ...

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Rebuilds and Replication Against Hardware Failure Consequences

Hardware failure can be a show stopper for any shop without proper backups and hardware reserves. It can be very costly to send hard drives for data recovery. Even with ...

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Backup it, lose it, restore it and stay calm – 10 basic rules for the wary

Life is full of imperfections – we all know it. Sometimes bad things happen to people for no particular reason. As they say: “it happens”. All we can do is ...

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It is Impossible to Delete This File!

This short story is about how important backing up your data is and how sometimes incidents that people have with regards to data loss or having a second copy of ...

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