Category Archive For: Storage Technology

Open-E slogans

In a nutshell: Data (File) Replication, Snapshots and Backup

The capacity of storage systems grows all the time, providing more space and longer retention time for all sorts of data, produced and processed by business. Accumulating data brings questions ...

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Active-Active vs. Active-Passive: iSCSI Failover solutions compared

In today’s fast-paced and global tech world, more and more organizations depend on business-critical data to be available at all times. Considering that service interruptions generate a huge loss for ...

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OECE Training

Next series of OECE Training events for partners starts in October

OECE Training events are back! Open-E offers partners the opportunity to become an Open-E Certified Engineer (OECE). During a two day training session, engineers get a chance to obtain skills ...

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Open-E DSS V7

Active-Active Automatic Failover for iSCSI and Open-E DSS V7

July is a pretty big month for Open-E. Massive actually. The most wanted and highly anticipated functionality became available in the new Data Storage Software Version 7. After many months ...

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Unusual request…

Last week I was visiting a customer in Sweden for product training. One of the main reasons they required an on-site training was for a very unusual request: The goal ...

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Short Story about IO-Errors

Hardware failure is not an exception, it is a normal process. I guess most of you would agree with this statement. The real case we have experienced a few weeks ...

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DSS V6 Powered Duplex Server

DSS V6 Powered Duplex-Server, a Better Dual Controller

THIS ARTICLE IS LEGACY PRODUCT-RELATED NO LONGER SUPPORTED BY OPEN-E Recently I was reading an old post about the end of the Dual Controller Architecture. Today, almost 4 years ...

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SSD: Marketing Versus Reality

We can read many articles about the pros and cons of Solid State Drives. We may also hear opinions about them – from supporters and opponents of this technology… and ...

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Cloud storage

There is something about the Cloud

Cloud is “hot”, everyone is talking about it, everyone uses it, everyone keeps data in the “Cloud”. However, do we know what it really means? Let’s look at a cloud ...

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different ssd types on the purple JBOD background

SSDs Over HDDs – the Admins Dilemma

It’s quicker, it’s lighter, it does not generate any noise and has a lower work temperature…Furthermore, it doesn’t have any mechanical, moving components so it offers you not only a ...

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