Open-E Webinar on June 15: Open-E JovianDSS Evaluation Guide and Quick Start

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Open-E Webinar on June 15

Open-E JovianDSS Evaluation Guide and Quick Start


You want to fire up your Open-E JovianDSS as quickly as possible? Learn about the basic setup, best practices and more in our next webinar on Wednesday.

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Open-E JovianDSS Evaluation Guide and Quick Start


Date and time: June 15, 2016 at 4:00 p.m. CET
  • Introduction to the demo environment 
  • Download and installation on bare-metal and as VSA
  • How to get and enter a Trial Key
  • Creating a storage pool
  • Best practices and usage examples
  • Cache explained - Write-log and Read Cache 
  • Creating an iSCSI Target and NFS Share
Moderator: Janusz Bak, Chief Technical Officer


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If you are not registered yet, please click here . You will receive a link to access the session on the day of the webinar.


This webinar is free of charge. To listen to the presentation, please use headphones or speaker. Please ask all questions during the session through the chat as all participants will be muted. The webinar is recorded and will be available on our Website, YouTube and Vimeo later. 

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