Windows or macOS? With Open-E - up to you!

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Perfect Software for your Main Operating System

Use Open-E JovianDSS either with Windows or macOS – the choice is up to you!


When it comes to choosing a data storage solution, there are several compatibility aspects that always have to be considered. Firstly, it's the hardware components that have to not only work with each other but also show a high-performance level. Secondly, it’s the operating system that is used in your company on a daily basis. Do you use Windows or macOS? Well, we have great news for you!


Use Open-E JovianDSS either with Windows or macOS – the choice is up to you!


Choose What's Best for your Business

No Matter the Base OS


Our Open-E JovianDSS software is both Windows- and macOS-friendly! It can easily adapt to the system your company uses as a basis and bring out the best of it.


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