Possible Cluster Distances with SAS Protocol

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Open-E JovianDSS Cluster Options

The Possible Cluster Distances with SAS Protocol


What are the cluster options while utilizing the SAS protocol? Is there any chance to create a stretched cluster while using SAS in the configuration? what about the distances? Read on for answers to those questions!


Cluster Distances with SAS Protocol


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Discover the Cluster Options with Open-E JovianDSS


Answers to those questions depend on what kind of configurations you aim to use. Generally speaking, SAS is a point-to-point serial protocol that is no longer than 10 meters which means that with SAS only, there is no chance to put the nodes further than this short distance.


However, there are several deployment possibilities! For example, with Open-E JovianDSS, you can have at least two options for making a stretched cluster configuration with the SAS protocol.


Have a closer look at them by reading the article on the Open-E Blog.


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