Marketing - Open-E JovianDSS up29r2 Reminder

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Software Release

Update Reminder! Open-E JovianDSS up29r2


In case you’ve missed the info about the latest Open-E release, we rush to remind you of the Open-E JovianDSS up29r2 that is packed with goodies.


Open-E JovianDSS up29r2 Update


Increased Performance, Better Security, Noticeable Cost-Effectiveness

Thanks to Future-Proof Features Included in the Up29r2


Open-E JovianDSS up29r2 includes a wide range of new features that boost the software’s performance, security, and flexibility, for instance:

  • RDMA Protocol Support, for the accelerated data mirroring between nodes
  • SED Feature Support, for encrypting and decrypting drive data without the need for user input or third-party encryption software
  • SSD Trim Support, for improved performance of the solid-state drives
  • NVMe Write Log devices mirror over Ethernet for HA Shared Storage Cluster, for a cost-effective performance of the cluster nodes’ built-it one-port NVMe devices
  • Custom OU for Active Directory, for changing and managing the default group policy objects locations and assigning permissions


And that’s not all! Read the long list of new features together with detailed explanations of some of the most important ones in the article on the Open-E Blog.


Read the article


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