Open-E JovianDSS is Now Updated!

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Update for Open-E JovianDSS

Open-E JovianDSS Up29r2 Version is Released and Ready to be Installed!


You’ve waited for this moment to come, and, finally, Open-E JovianDSS has just been updated! The Up29r2 will bring the utilization of the software to a new level by making it even more convenient to use.


Open-E JovianDSS Up29r2


What’s New


Our Open-E Team has introduced numerous improvements and added new features. Here are some of them:

  • RDMA protocol support,
  • SED Feature,
  • SSD Trim,
  • NVMe Write Log devices mirror over Ethernet for HA Shared Storage Cluster,
  • Custom OU for Active Directory.

Read more details about the above-mentioned features in the Blog Article here >>


For a full list of new features, updates, and fixes, go to the Release Notes >>


Download update


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