Webinar Video: Fully automated Open-E JovianDSS setup to save time and money

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Fully automated Open-E JovianDSS setup


Two weeks ago we held a live webinar explaining how to set up the ZFS-based Open-E JovianDSS so as to save both your time and money. In case you have missed the live webinar, you can now watch the video on our website!


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Example setups, best practices and demos

Watch our video and configure a Single Node Cluster yourself


In this video our moderator shows how to set up a single node cluster with Open-E JovianDSS and tests it afterwards. The truth is that configuring such cluster may take a lot of time but with tips included in this video you will be able to configure it yourself in max. 10 min. Other topics included in the tutorial:

  • Introduction to Open-E JovianDSS API tools (jdss-api-tools)
  • Introduction to demo of Open-E JovianDSS HA Cluster setup
  • Live demo of a single node Open-E JovianDSS Automated Setup
  • Live demo of a full HA Cluster Automated Setup
  • Live demo of an Automated Cluster test


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