Webinar reminder: Intel Optane on Tarox servers

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How Intel® Optane Accelerates High Performance Storage Servers - Live Webinar


We invite you to join us at the live webinar hosted in Germany! Discover the possibilities of Tarox servers powered by Open-E JovianDSS and Intel® Optane NVMe-SSD drives.



Last chance to register

Join us and our Partners!


Meet with professionals from around the globe! Check out the fruits of our cooperation, and get a glimpse of powerful and cost-efficient Open-E JovianDSS on Tarox servers with Intel® Optane NVMe-SSD technology.


Don’t miss the webinar and ask your own questions at the dedicated Q&A panel!


The event will be held in German and presented on Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 at 10:00 AM CET.



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