Review of Thomas-Krenn Open-E RA1112 Metro Cluster

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HA Storage System for SMEs

Solution by Open-E and Thomas-Krenn Appreciated by Professionals


A solution with Thomas-Krenn hardware and Open-E software has recently been noticed by system and network administration specialist from IT Administrator magazine which resulted in publishing a very considerate review. 


IT Administrator Review


Mirror, Mirror in the Data Center

Read the IT Administrator Review


With the Open-E RA1112 (All-Flash) Metro Cluster, Thomas-Krenn launched a compact storage appliance with the robust ZFS- and Linux-based Open-E JovianDSS operating system.


Here's how it looked: two servers formed a metro cluster to ensure highly available data storage through synchronous mirror operation. An IT Administrator reviewer took a closer look at this dual server setup in the lab and granted it a favorable opinion.


For details, go to the case study with the review.


Read the Review


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