Register for an OECE training in December 2019

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Register as fast as possible

Last Open-E Certified Enginner Training in 2019


Open-E is on a roll! Trainings in October and November are already sold out but you can still register for one more training this year!


Open-E Certified Engineer Trainings in June


Save your spot in December

Register for the last OECE Training this year


We're impressed how fast all OECE Training spots have been sold out! No wonder, as during our trainings all participants gain a comprehensive knowledge of the Open-E JovianDSS and technologies that build the software. Become an Open-E JovianDSS Certified Engineer still in 2019 as you'll have a chance to learn how to:

  • Set up and use the software
  • Get to do lab work supervised by our technical specialists
  • Provide support to your customers
  • Meet the requirements for higher partnership certification levels

Additionally, you'll learn the best practices for the On- & Off-site Data Protection function and how to recover your data.


Note: Spaces are limited to six per date!


Open-E JovianDSS Training
Puchheim, Germany
October 22-24, 2019          SOLD OUT!
Open-E JovianDSS Training
Puchheim, Germany
November 12-14, 2019      SOLD OUT !
Open-E JovianDSS Training
Puchheim, Germany
December 3-5, 2019          AVAILABLE!


Register for an OECE Training


In case of any questions regarding the training, the new agenda, fees or accomodation, contact an Open-E Sales Representative directly in your respective area - find the Salesman Contact Details in your User Portal.


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