Read Toshiba RAID Brochure Featuring Open-E JovianDSS

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Open-E Software in our Technology Partner's Eyes

Check Out Toshiba’s RAID Brochure Featuring Open-E!


RAID configurations are one of the best ways to ensure that your data system can easily overcome hardware failures. Our partner Toshiba tested three different RAID configurations with the usage of several systems, including Open-E JovianDSS. Check out the comparison of different systems’ performance in various configurations and choose the solution that perfectly matches your needs.


Caching Algorythms in Open-E JovianDSS


Redundancy is The Key

To Safe Data Storage


Check out how Open-E JovianDSS deals with disk failure and how effective it is in terms of data read and write operations, as well as how fast it can deal with resilvering! Examine the system performance in comparison with other systems! Check out RAID utilization in practice by reading Toshiba’s brochure.


Read the Brochure


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