Raise your Data Storage Skills with OECE in November!

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Register For The Upcoming Training

Raise Your Data Storage with On-line OECE Training on November 27-30, 2023!


Are you ready for new data storage challenges? We hope so, as we are ready to support you in providing the best data storage services to ensure that your company can cope with storing and protecting data crucial for its everyday business.


Open-E Certified Engineer Training im November


Enhance Your Data Storage

Use The Knowledge of Long-time Experts!


Data storage knowledge is really valuable, as losing data generates enormous costs. The bigger the company, the higher the risk, so let’s ensure that your data storage will be ready to cope with all sorts of challenges!


Join us to learn:

  • How to install and configure Open-E JovianDSS.
  • How to use Zpool designer and how to calculate your storage.
  • How to set up server monitoring.
  • How to configure file and block protocols and set up High-Availability Cluster.
  • And much more!

The on-line training is scheduled for 27th to 30th November, from 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM EST (UTC-05:00). If you would like to join us, click below to…


Register for an OECE Training


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