Open-E JovianDSS Online Demo

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Your software-defined storage playground:

Open-E JovianDSS Online Demo


We are pleased to inform you that the interactive demo for Open-E JovianDSS is now available on our website . Explore it now and access Open-E JovianDSS directly online without the need to deploy it or request lab access.

Try online demo


Explore the interface of Open-E JovianDSS:

Experience easy storage management


With the Open-E JovianDSS online demo you get a first impression of the WebGUI and can play around with data storage features and configurations before implementing our software.


The demo can also be used for trainings. Easily manage 32TB of storage capacity straight from your laptop or tablet.


Simulated system details:


2 x Intel® Xeon® E5-2690 V2

10-core Processor 3.0GHz


12 x 6TB HDD and

4 x 400GB SSD

Network interfaces: 8 x 1GbE network interface controller (NIC)


Keep in mind that the simulated version is not a virtual or physical machine.


Open-E JovianDSS Online Demo


Open-E JovianDSS:

Available via Open-E's selected Partners


Open-E JovianDSS uses shared storage to provide unlimited options for architecting HA storage environments. It is the answer to almost any storage requirement, either as a single node, a virtualized HA setup or a Big Data cluster environment. Open-E JovianDSS licenses and support products are only available through Open-E's selected partners. Find a partner >>

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