Open-E Server Certifications: Latest reports for Open-E JovianDSS

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Open-E Server Certifications

Latest reports for Open-E JovianDSS


In today's newsletter we'd like to show you how you can benefit from the Open-E Certified Storage Server program. Read on!


Open-E JovianDSS HA Certified Servers


Open-E JovianDSS Certified Servers

Proven security, redundancy and performance


Open-E JovianDSS Certified Servers are tested, benchmarked and certified by our experienced team of engineers to provide our users with the highest reliability and security without compromising performance. Open-E High Availability Certified Storage Servers are additionally tested in an high availability active-active environment to make sure they provide better overall performance than a regular active-passive cluster.


Here are some of our recently certified storage systems:

Find many more Open-E Certified Storage Servers here >>

Get your storage certified with Open-E JovianDSS

Contact us today


Offer your customers a certified solution, present your own certification report created by Open-E and rise up in our partner levels! If you would like to have a specific storage solution certified, feel free to reach out to our Sales Team for prices and timeframes, or visit your  Partner Portal

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