Open-E Expert's Thoughts on Data Storage Market in 2023 - Watch YouTube

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Meet a Longtime Open-E Expert

Meet Todd Maxwell and Experience His 17-year Journey With Open-E


Today we host a very special guest on your YouTube! We present you a brief discussion with one of our longest-serving employees! Todd has been with us since 2006 and during this time he helped lots of people in solving their data storage issues. Check out his insights in this field by watching our newest YouTube video:


Open-E Expert's Thoughts on Data Storage Market in 2023 - Watch YouTube


Just Like a Doctor Who Cares About Your Health

We Care About Your Data Storage Vitality!


While watching this interview, there is one thing that is impossible to miss - passion. Todd is definitely the right person in the right position. As a Vice President of Global Support and Technical Sales at Open-E, he aims to deliver customers with the best product quality and customer experience.


This passion is pretty well captured in Todd’s words:


“Just almost like a fireman or a doctor who saves a life. And I think that’s the passion. It’s to help customers and to get that gratification.”


See the whole interview and experience the real passion behind data storage solutions! Meet our team and get to know us better.


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