Open-E Certified Engineer Online Training in September

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Open-E Certified Engineer Online Training in September


Do you want to master Open-E software and boost your skills? Don’t miss our Open-E Certified Engineer Training, taking place on September 04 - 07, 2023, where experts will teach you how to use Backups, Replications, Snapshots, and Failover to optimize your performance and security. Register now and get ready for an amazing learning experience!


Open-E Certified Engineer Online Training in September


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Become a Software-Defined Storage Expert!


Get to know our Open-E experts and learn everything you need to know about our software! In this training, you will discover how to:

  • Install and configure Open-E JovianDSS
  • Use the Zpool designer and calculate your storage needs
  • Set up file and block protocols and HA Clusters
  • And much more!

By completing this training, you will earn an Open-E JovianDSS Certified Engineer title, which proves your ability to work efficiently with our software and solve data storage issues. Don’t miss this chance to boost your skills and career with Open-E JovianDSS! Register today and join our Engineers’ Community!


Register for an OECE Training


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