Online OECE Training in July 2020

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Open-E Certified Engineer Online Training in July 2020


Next month Open-E is starting another OECE (Open-E Certified Engineer) Training. This is a great opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills required for optimum configuration of Open-E JovianDSS. If you want to undertake the training to become an OECE, do not hesitate and register today!


Open-E Certified Engineer Trainings in 2020


New training session in July

Register to become an OECE


Join our group of certified specialists and become an OECE in 2020! During the training, you'll learn all about:

  • How to install and configure Open-E JovianDSS.
  • How to use Zpool designer and how to calculate your storage.
  • How to set up monitoring of your server.
  • How to configure file and block protocols and set up HA Cluster.
  • And more!

The training will be conducted online from 13h to 16th July, 2020 from 9:00 to 15:00 CET.


Register for an OECE Training


In case of any questions, contact an Open-E Sales Representative in your respective area - find the Salesman Contact Details in your User Portal.


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