Open-E JovianDSS certified: CTT Zero One Blue J24S-D

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Open-E JovianDSS certified

CTT Zero One Blue J24S-D


Our Partner CTT Computertechnik's Zero One Blue J24S-D is now an Open-E JovianDSS Certified Storage Server, suitable for a variety of storage environments and applications. Find details about the server in today's newsletter.


Zero One Blue J24S-D

Highest performance, exceptional flexibility

CTT hardware powered by Open-E JovianDSS


The  J24S-D is the top model of CTT's Zero One Blue storage range, configured for high IO rates and outstanding performance. Of course, the system can be tailored exactly to individual requirements, especially for VDI, web servers, file servers or media streaming. With a combination of high-end hardware - such as the latest Intel® CPU generation - as well as Open-E's easy to use storage software, Zero One Blue J24S-D offers:

  • Enhanced storage performance
  • Optimal resource utilization
  • Flexible scalability
  • Simplified management
  • Data integrity check
  • Tiered RAM and SDD cache
  • Data compression an in-line deduplication
  • Thin provisioning and unlimited snapshots

IOPS and Throughput

Find out more about the server and its features in the  Certification Report


To request a quote for the complete system contact CTT directly on

Company information

CTT Computertechnik


CTT Computertechnik AG was established in 1979 and has almost 40 years of professional experience with data storage systems. We are a customer-oriented family business providing a wide range of custom-built storage, server and desktop solutions as well as hardware components to retailers, business enterprises and education and government organizations. Our close cooperation with many renowned hardware manufacturers, and the expertise of our engineers enables us to provide state-of-the-art solutions at attractive terms.  Learn more about CTT  here

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