Save the date for Sep 27: No Time for Downtime with Open-E JovianDSS

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Save the date for Sep 27

No Time for Downtime with Open-E JovianDSS


September is full of fantastic IT events! Next week, apart from shows in the US and Germany, Open-E solutions will be presented at Open-E Gold Partner Maguay's "No Time for Downtime" event which will take place on the 27th of September 2018 in Bucharest, Romania. Save your spot!

NTFD 2018


Visit "No Time for Downtime"

Meet Open-E JovianDSS Storage Solutions


No Time for Downtime is one of the most important tech events on the Romanian IT market, organized by Maguay, Open-E's trusted Gold Partner. This event is focused strictly on computing systems and mission-critical solutions for datacenters, as well as on the latest innovations in this field.


Join the show not only because of the leading technological specialist presentations from Intel, Seagate and many more, but also because Maguay will introduce their unified, multi-protocol SAN/NAS Storage Platform based on Open-E JovianDSS.


Request an invitation for the event and take advantage of the many interesting presentations.


Request an invite

For detailed information about No Time for Downtime, visit

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