NFS Failover promotion reminder 1

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Promotion reminder

50% off Active-Active NFS Failover feature pack


Don't miss out on our latest promotion! We are offering a 50% discount on the new Active-Active NFS Failover Feature Pack . To order or for more information, please contact an Open-E Partner in your area.

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Save money and increase storage performance

Offer valid until December 31, 2015


Active-Active Automatic Failover in Open-E DSS V7 is crucial for High Availability, Cloud Storage, storage for virtualization and Business Continuity. Now, you will only pay half the price for the Feature Pack enabling you to use Open-E DSS V7 in an active-active cluster setup with NFS. This solution offers many benefits, including:

  • Doubled overall performance
  • Elimination of Single Points of Failure
  • Self-validation of the system through initial checks 
  • Cluster security improved by using unlimited auxiliary paths
  • Increased sensibility for network failures through Ping Nodes
  • Faster networking connectivity
  • Fully utilized processing power on both cluster nodes

Special offer NFS failover

New configuration guide for quick NFS Failover setup

Easy step-by-step implementation


We prepared a guide that explains how to painlessly implement High Availability NFS clusters in your  storage environment. Here's an overview of the content:

  • Configuring the hardware

  • Network configuration with setting hostnames and ethernet ports on both nodes

  • Configuring node-b and node-a

  • Creating Volume Groups, NAS Volumes, shares and enabling NFS

  • Configuring the Volume Replication mode, creating and starting the replication task
  • Hosts binding

  • Configuring failover (node-a and node-b) and starting the Failover service

  • Testing the Failover function

Go to how-to guide

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