New Certified Server - Zstor RS2224NV HA Metro Cluster powered by Open-E JovianDSS!

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New Open-E JovianDSS-Compatible Server!

Learn more about Zstor RS2224NV HA Metro Cluster


Zstor RS2224NV HA Metro Cluster, powered by Open-E JovianDSS, is a perfect solution for critical business infrastructure, as demonstrated during its certification process. It can be easily deployed in data centers, as it can handle various data storage challenges thanks to its features' versatility. It also works seamlessly with our constantly evolving data storage software - Open-E JovianDSS! Let’s take a look at how fruitful this partnership is!


New Hardware Certified Component - Toshiba MG10ACA20TE HDD


Protect Your Data

With a High-Performing System!


By addressing those 2 main data storage issues - data safety and system performance - we managed to deliver a certified solution that lets you utilize highly powerful hardware with data storage software that keeps it safe and lets you flexibly manage the owned and planned space for storing data. See all its benefits with your own eyes, by reading our latest certification report!


Learn more about the new component


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