Meet a Man of Innovation - Watch Interview with Open-E CTO Janusz Bąk

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Meet Open-E CTO

Janusz Bąk Interview - Where Does His Tech Inspiration Come From?


Being with Open-E almost from the beginning, Janusz made a great impact on the company, as a person responsible for the development of technologies used in our products. With his extensive experience in the data storage industry, Janusz brought tremendous value to Open-E. Check out his trusted sources of inspiration, covered in our newest video!


New Interview with Open-E CEO - Krzysztof Franek!


Getting and Giving Inspiration

Janusz Makes Open-E Better Each Day!


Meet the person responsible for most of the data storage training sessions conducted by Open-E to date! Most of the people holding the title of Open-E Certified Engineer were trained by Janusz himself! What does he value the most in his job and in the people he works with? Where do his knowledge and technical insights come from? You will find answers to all these questions by clicking below:



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