Marketing Newsletter - IT Business News Article

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Open-E and IT Business News Article

2023 is the Time for Data Storage Infrastructure Resilience


At Open-E, we do take into deep consideration the various market shocks that affect our partners and customers, and we do know that it’s of great significance to provide the resilience of your business. Being prepared to face all the market, financial, and environmental challenges was the top priority task for the end of 2022 and now also for 2023. Anyway - how to build data storage resilience?


Build Data Storage Resilience


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Learn How to Make Your Data Storage Resilient and Reliable


In the next few quarters, all businesses should thoroughly examine the resilience of their IT architectures. What should definitely need to be evaluated when building a resilient business strategy for the upcoming challenges of 2023? According to Kristof Franek, CEO at Open-E, businesses should reconsider their solutions for:

  • Hyperconvergence
  • Hardware-Agnostic Software
  • Energy Balance


Anyway, there’s no point focusing only on minimizing the consequences of market disruptions, but rather on building your business resilience in advance. Go to the Open-E Blog and read what does Open-E CEO think about it.


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