Google Cloud Data Issue & Open-E Backup Solutions

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Real-Life Story

Data Loss Involving Google Cloud and UniSuper


At the beginning of May 2024, the UniSuper fund experienced a massive disruption in access to their systems and data. Their cloud service provider - Google Cloud - caused an unintended misconfiguration that resulted in major data unavailability.


Thankfully, UniSuper fund had an extra backup of their data, so the disruptive situation effect was minimized, in the meantime, as Google Cloud was restoring the company’s data. This story is a great example of how important it is to have a diversified backup strategy for your company's data storage. Moreover, it also shows how important it is to have an on-site data storage infrastructure, even if you also use cloud storage. That is exactly why we want to equip you with our best solutions for maximizing your data storage protection both on- and off-site!


Beyond Backup: Understanding the Data Protection


Check Out Our Solutions for Data Loss

Read The Open-E Beyond Backup Brochure


Download our guide covering everything you need to know about backup and data protection - starting from the cellular level with ongoing data integrity checking, going through configurations that safeguard you from hardware failures, and finally creating a complex setup that lets you create multiple backups to ensure the safety of your data!


Read the Brochure


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