Publicly acclaimed: Open-E JovianDSS is a winner in DCS Awards 2018

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Publicly acclaimed

Open-E JovianDSS is a winner in DCS Awards 2018


We'd like to announce with great pride that Open-E JovianDSS has been honored with this year's DCS Awards in the "Data Centre ICT Storage Product of the Year" category.


You can find the list of all DCS Awards Winners in 2018 on


DCS Awards Winner


We appreciate your support

Thank you for all your votes!


By being awarded with the DCS Awards, our ZFS-based Open-E JovianDSS has been officially acknowledged as a product of outstanding quality, reliability and performance with best-in-class and innovative features. And being a winner in the "Data Centre ICT Storage Product of the Year” category is proof that our product offers data center-focused functionalities and is a perfect solution for these demanding environments.


Once again – thank you to all customers, partners and friends for your engagement!

Check out yourself why Open-E JovianDSS has earned this award. Download the fully functional 60-day Trial version of the awarded product here >>

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