Data Storage in Gas and Oil Sector

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Data Storage in Gas and Oil Sector


Gas and oil is a complex and dynamic sector that increasingly relies on data management. A huge amount of information gathered and analyzed every day require the IT administration to provide the best data storage and data protection infrastructure.


Open-E Data Storage in Gas and Oil Sector


Stay Ahead of the Competition

Use the Most Efficient Way To Store Your Data


Read our latest article to know more about managing data storage powered by Open-E JovianDSS that assists you in:

  • providing safety and security with On- & Off-site Data Protection
  • ensuring Business Continuity with no shutdowns and downtimes with High Availability cluster
  • managing software-defined storage to avoid extra hardware costs
  • having full control over your company’s data
  • avoiding growing costs of production and distribution
  • reducing the carbon emission

Stay ahead of the competition regardless of gas prices, political and environmental volatility. Don’t let your business be left behind by growing demands for digitalization and its consequences. Learn how to ensure the highest level of data safety, availability, and reliability of your company's production or backup storage infrastructure.


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