Case Study Team 103 / Memon

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Open-E JovianDSS Case Study

Metro HA Cluster with Open-E JovianDSS for  environmental industry


Today we would like to share with you a success story showing how our Partner Team 103 helped Memon, a manufacturer of high-quality products that protect from negative effects of pollution, in finding a failure-resistant solution for their data storage environment.


Team 103 Case Study


Highest performance, scalability and High Availability

with ZFS-based Open-E JovianDSS


Memon Bionic Instruments GmbH is a company that conducts research on the increasing damage to the environment. Their goal is to protect animals and people from the negative impact of worldwide environmental pollution.


Gathering massive amounts of data daily, the company has already been satisfied with Open-E DSS V7. Encouraged by Team 103 they've decided to transfer to Open-E JovianDSS with Metro High Availability Cluster running on two Intel machines.


„The employees in the terminal server sessions with the frontend of the CRM were impressed by the high performance of Open-E JovianDSS. As a test, we also ran these SQL VMs on the old DSS V7 cluster. The initial opening of an address database (about 2.2 billion addresses) took up to 22 seconds in the old system, the second opening went down to 17 seconds. The same VMs open the address database on Open-E JovianDSS system in less than 2 seconds. The second opening of all databases is obviously not measurable because of the good caching. In addition, videos for online training and internal promotional purposes run from  Open-E JovianDSS Cluster did not indicate any performance slumps to date. Memon has confirmed the full success of the system.”



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