Case Study IT-Schulte

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New case study for Open-E DSS V7:

Virtualization and HA in water management


Today we would like to share with you how one of our partners, IT-Schulte, helped Hochsauerland-wasser GmbH to implement a scalable high availability cluster environment by replacing an existing storage network that was six years old and not secured against downtime. 

Business challange solved!

Hochsauerlandwasser consolidates storage environment with iSCSI Failover Cluster


The storage requirements of drinking water supplier  Hochsauerlandwasser from Germany were extremely high.  To guarantee high availability, scalability and flexibility of the new solution, Open-E Partner  IT-Schulte decided for a virtualized infrastructure based on VMware vSphere 5, Open-E DSS V7 and storage systems by TAROX.


“Apart from its flexibility, I was convinced by high stability of the Open-E servers. In case of hardware failures the storage continues to run without interruption, and even after power outages the system can be easily rebooted by using standard servers. We don’t even have problems in regards to spare parts as we’re not forced to use any specific SAN disk drives.”

Sebastian Ruf,  system administrator

at Hochsauerlandwasser GmbH


Read the full case study >>


Case Study IT-Schulte

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