New article on the Open-E Blog: Differences between backup and archiving

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New article on the Open-E Blog

Differences between backup and archiving


Read our latest blog article in which we explain what are the basic differences between backup and archiving. Plus, we provide a solution for those who still hesitate what product to use for both!


Backup vs. Archiving Blog Article


Never let your data be at risk

Use Open-E JovianDSS for efficient backups and archiving


Backup and archiving are very often confused, as both of them mean to store your data. The differences are quite significant, but still, it does not mean that any of them is less relevant and as an owner of various data, both may save your data, time, money and stress.


So, backup is sort of a safeguard that protects the data that you're actively using, while archiving means keeping data that you're not actively using but you're keeping them fo a future reference. You may implement separate mechanisms for both of them, but what's the use if there are solutions offering services for both backup and archiving? For instance, you can use the ZFS-based Open-E JovianDSS Data Storage Software. Find more details in the latest article.


Read the full article on our blog

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