Meet us at NAB Show 2022

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NAB 2022

Meet Open-E Platinum Partner Scale Logic


If this year's NAB Show in Las Vegas, Nevada is included in your event schedule, don't forget to add booth #N1418 of our Partner Scale Logic. Open-E's CEO, Kristof Franek, will be there as well!


Open-E at NAB Show


Innovation, Technology, and Entertainment

April 23 - 27 in Las Vegas Convention Center


NAB takes place in April every year since 1991. It is one of the largest events for media, entertainment, and technology, covering not only broadcast TV, production, or cyber security topics, but also data storage and data management.


You can meet Open-E among the innovations presented on the show floor as well! Open-E Platinum Partner Scale Logic will exhibit their solutions with Open-E JovianDSS at booth #N1418.


Visit also other Open-E partners:

  • AIC at booth #N5310
  • ATTO Technology at booth #N4814
  • CineSys at Westgate 28th Floor, Suite- B


NAB Show 2022 Details


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