Hardware RAID and Open-E JovianDSS - a Good Idea?

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ZFS-based Open-E JovianDSS

Hardware RAID and Open-E JovianDSS - a Good Idea?


We tend to be asked whether it is a good idea to use RAID controllers with the ZFS-based Open-E JovianDSS data storage appliances. Find our statement on this topic in the newest article on the Open-E Blog!


Hardware v. software RAID


Pros and Cons

Hardware vs. Software RAID


Go to the latest article on our blog, to find recommendations and opinions on using hardware RAID with Open-E software. What exactly will you find in the article?

  • Open-E JovianDSS Software Z-RAID Advantages & Disadvantages
  • Hardware RAID Controller Advantages & Disadvantages
  • Conclusions

So far, we can say that it is not an either/or situation but rather a choice of the system administrator. Click the button below to read the article.


Read the article


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