Case Study MMiT

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The Highest Security

All-Flash Open-E JovianDSS Solution in a Data Center


MMiT, based in Kiel, Germany, is a renowned IT service provider working directly from their TÜV-certified data center. As a Cloud and Internet services provider, MMiT puts constant matching to the market and thoughtful response to customer needs as top priorities.


Case Study with MMiT and N-TEC


All Challenges Accomplished

HA, Great Performance, Flexibility, Scalability, and Much More!


Given the demanded performance and rapidly increasing volume sizes, a state-of-the-art, adaptable infrastructure became essential for MMiT. Thus, the company felt obliged to shift to appropriate computing power and create a secure and future-proof maintenance strategy.


With the support of N-TEC and Open-E, all the requirements were met. Read the case study by clicking the link below!


Read the Case Study


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